yes happy fall to everyone, and hello to all of you bloggy friends i have neglected, blogging is sloooowwww these days,did i say i have a four yr old!! our daughter continues to thrive, loving her brothers and sister, especially daddy!!! she is bonding with me too much, she screams bloody murder when i leave and won't sleep unless it's in my bed, so we are still adjusting, some time in her bed some in mine, she is the best helper, loves to cook and clean, set the table and eat as much spicy food as she can, she is trying most food these days, if we eat it she will try it, still no dairy or sweets, wish i could develop that habit, and she is funny, and happy happy, sings all the time and tries to teach me amharic as i teach her english, oh and very bossy, we are so blessed to have her and love reading every one's stories when we can, enjoy the fall!